Coreografía Acrosport Equipo 2 Curso 4ºA del IES Cura Valera

Acrosport grupo 2 del curso 4ºA del IES Cura Valera durante la clase de Educación Física (2019-2020)

Coreo assesment



It is a sport that needs physical strength, stamina, rhythm, coordination and balance. It is a team sport, so your partners depend on you. It combines the beauty of dance and acrobatics. Gymnastics skills add excitement to the exercises. Acrobatic balances show grace, strength and flexibility. Choreography and synchronisation add beauty and creativity to each exercise.

VOCABULARY: Skills: habilidades Routine: rutina, la coreografía o conjunto de ejercicios Grace: gracia Balance: equilibrio Allowed: permitido Tempo: tempo To be held: ser mantenido Qualifying: clasificatorio Safety: seguridad Helpers: ayudantes A corresponding/matching music: una música que le pegue

DID YOU KNOW THAT...? 😀 Acrobatic Gymnastics develops body control in various positions. For this reason, the sport is included in the training program of pilots, cosmonauts and parachutists. 😊 This sport is a group sport requiring athletes of all ages, shapes, and sizes. 😲 It is a very old activity, Egyptians did human pyramids more than 2000 years ago. Now it is a team sport and you can find different types of competitions: Men's, Women's or Mixed Pairs, Women's Groups (3 gymnasts) and Men's Groups (4 gymnasts).

BEFORE WE START: SAFETY FIRST! Before starting with acrosport, we must do gymnastics to develop our body control. Also, in the first acrosport class, we must learn how to support our partner´s weight without hurting ourselves: A correct position is fundamental for a safe practice. Next step is developing some strength by holding basic positions. Now we are ready, but remember: No playing around is allowed when we are practicing acrosport!!

FIGURE BUILDING RULES: 1. Team members: each team will have more members than the ones needed to build the structure or pyramid. They are the helpers and must always pay attention to their partners. 2. Know what to do: Each team member must know what his or her position is. 3. The build up: You must build the structure in a coordinate way. Help is always needed. The structure must start from the center and grow to the sides. The last part are the upper levels. 4. Stabilisation: The position must always be held, specially if you are supporting a partner. Structures must last at least eight seconds. 5. Dismantling the structure: It must be coordinated. In reverse of the building, and always with help. 6. Roles: Each person must practise each position, building a figure, helpers must change places with those who were previously part of the structure.

THE CHOREOGRAPHY: STEPS TO CREATE IT 1. Decide the structures and the order to perform them. 2. Decide the linking exercises between one pyramid and the next one. 3. Practise the choreography. Focus on: helpers, building and dismantling it fluidly, links. 4. Choose some corresponding music. 5. Adapt the choreography to the music.

Principales objetivos coreografía

¿Como trabajar coreografías sin saber bailar coreografias?

El trabajo de coreografías nos permite trabajar:

-Aspectos físicos (coordinación, control corporal, ritmo, etc.)

-Aspectos cognitivos (memoria, creatividad…)

-Aspectos sociales (cohesión grupal, cooperación, ayuda entre iguales…)

-Aspectos psicológicos (motivación, personalidad, autoestima…).

video coreografía instituto